Should I Buy a Motorhome or Trailer?

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As you could tell from my last post, I'm super pumped about planning out my ballsy RV chance! But a big question has been looming on my mind since I fabricated the decision to go for it: Should I buy a motorhome or a trailer?

I know, I take nearly 1.5 years to make this decision. Just I demand to start thinking most it and planning now! (Ms. Practical, call back?) So, in that vein, I've done some research (the first chapter of A Beginner's Guide to Living in an RV goes over all the dissimilar options. Get it on Amazon!) and made a listing of pros and cons to assistance me determine whether I should buy a motorhome or trailer.

Should You Buy a Motorhome or Trailer?

When I thought upwards this programme years ago (with absolutely no idea what I wanted or what information technology would take), I was adamant nigh getting a motorhome. There was no struggle in my mind about whether I should buy a motorhome or a trailer. A trailer wasn't even an option! I was specific well-nigh it besides; I wanted a class C motorhome.

But at present, I realize that it'due south stupid of me to not explore all of the options (and I'm so glad I realized that before taking the plunge!). And so, it'south time to analyze the pros and cons of each. I notwithstanding have plenty of time to make the decision (buying something on impulse is never the answer), and afterwards this initial endeavor at analyzing the options I'm definitely going to practice a lot of shopping effectually. Only it'south smart to take a basic idea of what yous need in place prior to looking. I recollect it's similar to buying a business firm in that regard.



I wanted a grade C motorhome for a few very specific reasons. First, I could put the litter boxes in the loft above the cab. Planning for the cats is incredibly important to me. But then, I found out that you could go a motorhome with a drop-down floor/storage area and put the litter boxes in there! There are tons of options for RV traveling with cats! Possibly I shouldn't limit my search to a class C!

"should I buy a motorhome or rv"
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Even so, in that location was one additional reason why I wanted a class C. In general, they come in smaller sizes, and I'm a terrible driver. I would rather shove us all in a 20-foot grade C than try to drive a thirty -foot class A. I figured a smaller model would likewise exist more than maneuverable and easier to take up winding mountain roads or through cities.

My favorite reason for going with a motorhome is that you lot always have everything with you. I gauge that could be considered a con as well…do y'all actually want to pack upwards everything you have just to get to the grocery shop? That sounds awful. But I figured that if I had a small motorhome, it would be easier to stay in non-campground places and traditional parking lots if need be. The truck/trailer rig would be impossible to find parking for unless I stuck to truck stops and Walmart parking lots. I'm assuming it would be a footling easier with a minor motorhome, simply I could exist wrong well-nigh that.


The biggest downside to buying a motorhome over a trailer is the toll. Motorhomes (all classes) are crazy expensive. New ones price more than than my house! That's non ok. It's improve to buy used anyway, because motorhomes depreciate the way that cars do. Why purchase a brand new one when information technology will lose and so much value as presently as you bulldoze it off the lot?

Only unfortunately, used ones are crazy expensive also. Unless you want to go something made in the 1980s, it'southward going to cost you at least thirty m dollars. That's a pretty hefty chunk of change.

The initial cost isn't the only cost yous take to be concerned with. The maintenance costs of owning a motorhome are much college than that of regular cars. They require specialized mechanics and specialized parts. And of course, because there are and then many moving parts, in that location'south a lot that can get wrong. That means you need to budget a ton of coin for maintenance.

Another downside of having a motorhome (and non towing a machine along – which I wouldn't do considering that takes away the advantage of mobility that I already described) is that you tin't take it everywhere. I can't imagine driving even a small 1 in a super urban area such equally downtown Chicago or LA. Even the thought of driving it on a busy city expressway seems overwhelming to me. If I were to get a truck/trailer, I could drop the rig and take the truck to these areas.



I'd like to say that a huge advantage of opting for the truck/trailer set upwardly is the toll, but unless you already take a truck, the prices are pretty similar. A decent trailer is going to toll around twenty 1000, and a used selection up truck that has the proper towing capabilities volition be betwixt x and twenty chiliad dollars (yous definitely don't desire to buy a beater for this endeavour!). Nicer motorhomes practise price more than nicer truck/trailer set ups, so if you want an upscale living environment, this road is probably cheaper.

I remember the truck trailer set up really saves y'all money in the maintenance costs. It's far easier to notice a mechanic who tin prepare a truck than it is to detect one who can ready a motorhome. Your truck maintenance costs will exist similar to what they are now. In add-on, a trailer comes with far less mechanical problems than a motorhome does. There's merely less that tin can go wrong with a trailer.

The biggest reward (in my heed) to the truck/trailer set up up is that you can driblet the trailer and yous go all the maneuverability of a normal car. My struggle with that is the thought that you lot will always need to find someplace to drib the trailer – and that means paying for campsites (or boondocking, when available). But would the convenience of beingness able to run to the store without bringing everything with you be worth that price? Would the ability to explore winding roads and drive through caves exist worth the price of a campground every night?

I gauge we wouldn't have to pay for a campground every night. Rest stops, truck stops, and even Walmart parking lots are still available for the i dark camping thing (I exercise love that rural Walmarts tend to let RVers crash there overnight). You lot can't drop the rig in any of these places and get the maneuverability of a car though. I call back they frown upon that.


The biggest con (to me) of the truck/trailer set up is that I'k a terrible driver. I'm terrified of towing a huge RV behind the truck! Thankfully, I have a partner in crime who enjoys driving (and is skilful at it) and then maybe this won't be such an issue. And perhaps he tin can teach me while we are on the open road (with no ane effectually!).

The biggest con for well-nigh normal people is probably that the trailer will demand a separate ability source. In a motorhome, the engine helps power all the electronics, but you don't become that perk with a trailer. You are dependent upon the electric hookups at a campground, batteries, or another method of powering the trailer while boondocking. With a motorhome, running the engine will keep the batteries charged then that you lot tin utilise your basic outlets. It'south like having a built-in generator (which some trailers might take already).

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Another con is setting everything up all the fourth dimension. I like things to be easy. I don't want to worry almost hitching and unhitching things every nighttime. Though, I judge we could stick to unhitching if we are going to be at a spot long term – that would make things easier.

I'm besides unsure nearly how it would work to have cats in the trailer. Would it exist safe for them to travel in the trailer or would nosotros have to have them in the truck with us? These are important questions that need to be answered.

Other Options

There are other options that I haven't discussed here, but I already know that they won't work for me. A Class B motorhome is besides pocket-sized for my menagerie. A converted van would be likewise pocket-sized as well (though probably platonic if it were only me and my partner). I would never want to live full time in a pop-upwards or other small camper – that just sounds miserable.

So…Should I Buy a Motorhome or a Trailer?

As yous could probably tell, a lot of this post was me thinking out loud virtually the pros and cons of each choice. I'm nevertheless undecided. And that's where yous come in! Did yous buy a motorhome or a trailer? Please tell me what the deciding factor was on what you decided to buy!

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