Funny Other Ways to Say Thank God
100+ Alternative Ways to Say "Thank You!"
Cheeky Kid is a cybernaut who spends a lot of time browsing the web, grasping infinite information, and reveling in entertainment and fun.

Alternative Ways to Say "Thank You!"
"Thank you" is such a wonderful expression. It is always pleasant to hear and say. But, as there are gazillions of ways to express oneself in this universe, the same goes for the most classic expression of gratitude.
The purpose of this list is to showcase over a hundred ways to say "thank you." There's a lot more than you would imagine! This is just a small list. However, it's a start!
Go out there and show your gratitude to the whole world by saying words of thanks in the most imaginative ways possible!

Thank you very much!
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- A million thanks to you!
- I wish I were more like you.
- You have been so helpful to me.
- I fricking appreciate it, pal!
- Gracias! (This is how you say 'thank you' in Spanish.)
- You've made such a difference in my life.
- I hope that one day, I can repay the favor.
- You make me want to be a better person.
- I really appreciate your help from the bottom of my heart.
- I cannot thank you enough for helping me.
- My endless gratitude to you.
- This means a whole lot to me.
- That's very kind of you.
- I wish I'd known you sooner.
- Next time, I will be sending you a cape. Thanks for your superhero-sized helpful act.
- Oh, you shouldn't have!
- How can I repay you?
- If it wasn't weird, I would have sent you a picture of myself—because I look totally grateful.
- I am forever in your debt!
- Move over, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, there's a new philanthropist in town!
- That was so awesome of you.
- I love doing things alone, but I love doing things with you even more.
- I am eternally grateful for everything you've done for me.
- You're like the beacon of light in the middle of darkness.
- You are truly an angel!
- People like you are super rare and very difficult to find.
- I wholeheartedly appreciate everything you have done for me.
- I want you to know how much I value your support.
- May the force be with you...always.

May the force be with you!
- I would piss on you if you were on fire. (Yeah, I wouldn't do it for someone I don't like even if it was the only option. That says a lot!)
- May the whole universe conspire to make your life the best it can be.
- You make the world a better place for everyone.
- Thank you for being a good influence on me.
- How can I make your day amazing?
- Please accept my vehement declaration of gratitude.
- Grazie! (This is how you say 'thank you' in Italian.)
- My life is better because you're in it.
- What would I do without you? You're wonderful.
- You're a lifesaver, literally!
- Thanks for believing in someone you don't even know. (This works really work if you say it to a complete stranger who has a become a good Samaritan to you.)
- We will remember this day and your contribution forever.
- How thoughtful of you!
- You are the best!
- That was a very magical experience that I had with you.
- There's no other person in the whole world like you.
- Please stay the way you are forever! I like you that way.
- I owe you one!
- No, for real, if you ever need to get rid of a body in the future, I'll be there for you.
- You = awesome; Me = grateful.
- Words aren't enough for me to wholly express my gratitude to you.
- Cheers to you!
- Out of all the people I have ever met in this world, I hate you the least.
- If you are ever lost, you can always find yourself here in my care.
- You're amazing, we should hang out.
- You prove that actions really speak louder than words.
- You are heaven sent!
- You are the reason I am still here.
- I am in your debt.

Thanks for Nothing I am in Your Debt
- You score phenomenally high in the kind-o-meter. Seriously, I just checked.
- You're a spark plug made of goodness and kindness. Thanks for igniting something amazing.
- Do you practice being so wonderful?
- How does it feel like to live like the amazing person you are?
- May you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.
- I couldn't have done it without you.
- I'm so touched that you've done this for me.
- I'd be lost without you.
- You're kind of a big deal. Don't believe me? Ask our clients.
- I consider you part of my family and will always be there for you.
- Merci! (This is how you say 'thank you' in French.)
- I am always happy around you.
- As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never face the wrong way.
- I salute you!
- You are worth everything in the world.
- You are truly worthy of love and belonging.
- Arigato gozaimasu! (This is how you say 'thank you' in Japanese.)
- Of course, you can have some of my food.
- I haven't words enough to express what's in my heart.
- Were you sent by God? You do look like an angel.
- Your generosity overwhelms me.
- I have started an unofficial fan club for you. You should start practicing your autograph.
- You are my superhero!
- Bless your heart and soul.
- May the gratitude be with you.
- Salamat! (This is how you say 'thank you' in Filipino.)
- Amazed. Inspired. Grateful. That's how your generosity makes me feel.
- You are what 'making a difference' looks like.
- You are a very special human.
- When it comes to making an impact, you rule!
- You lift me up to touch the sky.
- Gamsahamnida! (This is how you say 'thank you' in Korean.)
- You must be an angel in disguise.
- I owe you big time!
- The world needs more people like you.
- I really appreciate all the hard work you've done to help me.
- You set my heart on fire.
- I will never forget about this special act of kindness of yours.
- Your kindness will always be carved in my memory.
- You can't see me, but I'm totally doing a happy dance.
- I don't know what to say.
- Is there no limit to your awesomeness?
- Thanks for being kind to animals like me.
- You are a lifesaver.
- I am lost for words. Your helpfulness just left me speechless.
- Xie xie! (This is how you say 'thank you' in Chinese.)
- You've made my heart smile.
- How did I get so lucky? I'm so grateful you choose to help me.
- I'm beginning to think you're serious about this whole humanitarian thing.
- Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting.
- You are the sun that lights up my world.
- Your version of shine is a search light. Thanks for lighting up my path.
- The world is better off having you in it.
- In this world there are 'drains' and 'radiators.' Drains take energy away while radiators beam it out. Continue being a radiator that continuously gives out warmth and comfort.
- Danke! (This is how you say 'thank you' in German.)
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